1. What all is needed in order to file a claim?
In order to file a claim you will need:
- Your username and password and policy number
- The date and time the incident occurred
- The location of the incident
- The details of what happened
- Description of damages
2. How do I file a claim?
You can report your claim online or call 877-GERMANIA (877-437-6264)
3. If I file a claim, will my premium increase?
Insurance rates don’t always increase after an insurance claim. However, every situation is different. If you have any concerns, please contact your local agent.
4. How long can my claim take once it has been filed?
This depends on the circumstances of the claim. You can opt in for email/text updates by letting your claims adjuster know.
5. How do I know what my deductible is?
You can reach out your Agent or speak with your adjuster.
6. When can I expect an adjuster to contact me regarding my claim?
Typically, an adjuster will reach out to you by phone within 24-48 business hours.
7. What is the claims process?
- After you report a claim a Germania adjuster will review the reported loss information.
- The adjuster will contact you and all parties involved for additional information.
- The adjuster will request photo documentation and may request a physical inspection.
- Once the estimate has been approved the repairs can be scheduled and payment can be issued minus your deductible.