Strategies for Dealing with Drought in Texas

August 19, 2024

Understanding the Effects of Droughts in Texas, their Root Causes, and How to Prepare for the Next One!

Dry cracked ground and corn during a Texas drought

The state of Texas is known for its extreme weather patterns, with the possibility of experiencing both excessive rainfall and flash flooding in one year, followed by extreme drought conditions. While neither of these scenarios are favorable, the latter can be particularly harsh. Droughts in this region are typically prolonged, scorching hot, and characterized by an intense lack of moisture.

What is the reason behind droughts? What is the probability of experiencing them in Texas and, most importantly, what actions can be taken during a drought? These are the topics we will cover in this blog post - continue reading!

What's the definition of a drought? 

It isn't uncommon to endure weeks on end without rain, the burning summer sun shining down without relent, and comment, "Boy, this is some drought we're having. We need rain!" But what defines a drought exactly? What is the meteorlogical definition? 

The National Weather Service defines a drought as a prolonged period of insufficient rainfall. However, there are multiple interpretations of a drought depending on the circumstances.

Meteorological drought. Defined by departure from normal rainfall or precipitation. 

Agricultural drought. Defined by a lack of soil moisture content or rainfall to support crop growth. 

Hydrological drought. Defined by surface water (lakes, creeks, and rivers) levels experiencing below average levels.

Sociological drought. Defined by a lack of precipitation that begins to impact a community's daily life and operations. 

Measuring drought

Various methods are used to measure droughts, depending on their purpose or necessity. This process can be complex at times, but the following are some of the commonly employed techniques.

The Palmer Drought Index is meant to convey the balance of supply and demand for water in a given area. While the supply is relatively simple to calculate, "demand" is more complicated. This method is used by many organizations, including NOAA. 

There is also the Standard Precipitation Index, which measures the deviation of precipitation from the average precipitation in a given area within a certain period of time, as well as the Keetch-Byrum Drought Index, which assesses drought in relation to fire danger.
Lastly, there is the Drought Severity and Coverage Index used by the US Drought Monitor. It is intended to create a single, easy-to-understand metric that combines many different factors together. If you visit, this is the metric you'll see. It includes D0 (Abnormally Dry), D1 (Moderate Drought), D2 (Severe Drought), D3 (Extreme Drought), and D4 (Exceptional Drought). 

What causes drought conditions?

It is a known fact that droughts occur due to insufficient water, but what prevents the precipitation of rain?

General weather patterns. Areas of high pressure, such as ridges and domes, can result in extreme heat and inhibit the development of thunderstorms and precipitation. This can create a cyclical pattern that can prolong dry spells.

ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation). El Niño, and the counterpart La Niña, refer to periods of above and below average temperatures in the Pacific Ocean, respectively. These fluctuations can broadly impact the climate across the globe for years at a time by influencing things like jet streams and moisture transport. Depending on the specifics, some regions may become more wet, yet others, more dry. 

Changing climate. Similar to how the temperature of the Pacific Ocean can impact the overall weather patterns of the Earth, the global temperature can also have an impact on long-term weather trends. The global climate is a highly complex system and increasing temperatures can have significant effects on factors such as weather conditions, precipitation, and instances of drought.

While these transformations usually occur gradually, some regions that have previously only encountered occasional droughts may now witness them happening more frequently, while others may also start to encounter higher than usual levels of precipitation.

Historical drought conditions in Texas

It is not unusual for Texas to experience droughts, and there is usually some level of drought in at least one part of the state throughout the year. However, certain droughts can be significantly more severe than others.

In the 1930s, an already depressed economy was hit with a drought that lasted nearly a decade. During the Dust Bowl, much of West Texas faced severe drought for nearly a decade and in the Panhandle, massive dust storms swept the landscape on a regular basis. 

During the years between 1949 and 1957, yet another crushing drought struck the Lone Star State. By 1953, nearly 75% of the state had below-normal rainfall and half of the state was 30 inches below normal rainfall. The result? Half of the farming industry was gone by the end of the decade (from 345,000 to 247,000 farms and ranches), resulting in an estimated $36 billion in direct losses.

More recently, Texas experienced a severe drought from 2010 to 2014. While shorter than some previous major droughts, by some measures it was worse; in September 2011, 100% of the state was at least in moderate drought conditions (D2), and as much as 88% found itself in exceptional drought (D4) - the highest rating by the US Drought Monitor. This cost agricultural producers over $7 billion and made 2011 the driest year on record for Texas - at least for now. 

Dangers of droughts

Although it is undeniable that droughts have an impact on a smaller level, their hazards can have far-reaching and enduring effects on communities.

Water supply. The source of your water, whether it is from an underground reservoir or a lake, needs to be replenished. While dry spells can temporarily decrease the water levels, a bountiful rainy season can replenish them. However, there are instances where the demand for water is high and the replenishment process is slow, leading to long-term sustainability challenges for specific reservoirs. Droughts can exacerbate this situation.

Fire danger. Without water, vegetation dries up and dies. This is even more problematic if a drought follows an especially rainy season, which promotes a lot of growth, creating even more fuel for fires. In some cases, all it takes is a tiny spark to set off a major wildfire when drought conditions are severe. 

Agriculture. Severe dry spells can have a catastrophic impact on things such as agricultural produce and livestock. This, undoubtedly, has a direct effect on the livelihoods of farmers and ranchers, but the consequences can also have a ripple effect on the economy.

Insect and fungi outbreaks. In some cases, drought can be a precursor to infestations of insects, such as locusts and specific types of beetles. Additionally, studies have shown that certain types of crop fungi, specifically those that affect the roots and stalks, may also be a consequence of drought conditions. 

Dealing with droughts in Texas

So what can we do when drought conditions arise? 

Follow guidelines for community water usage. It is crucial to make an effort to adhere to any water restrictions that your community may implement. These restrictions may involve limitations on activities such as watering lawns or washing cars, but they may also include recommendations for conserving water in other ways. 

Reduce water use. While reducing water consumption and waste generally is a great idea, its especially important in times of drought. Here are a number of ways you can help reduce your water consumption:
  • Avoid flushing the toilet unnecessarily.
  • Shower rather than bathing and reduce shower time.
  • Avoid allowing water to run while brushing or shaving.
  • Only operate appliances like dishwashers and clothes washers when they are fully loaded.
  • Don't pre-rinse dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. Simply scrape large scraps into the garbage.
  • Consider hand-washing dishes with two containers of water: One for washing and one for rinsing.
  • Clean fruit and vegetables in a pan rather than running them under water.
  • While waiting for a shower to warm up, capture water for other uses. For example, use a bucket to capture and reuse water for watering plants.
  • Avoid using running water to thaw meat and frozen food. Take it out of the freezer the night before and allow it to thaw in the fridge or use the microwave.

Burn bans. During times of drought, it's also likely that your county will issue a burn ban. It's absolutely essential to observe these bans to avoid causing wildfires.

Protect your foundation. In times of drought, it's possible for your home to experience issues with the concrete foundation beneath it. Watering the soil around your foundation can prevent it from shrinking and potentially causing cracks, but it's important to observe water restrictions as well.  

Preventing droughts and water conservation

It is difficult to directly prevent a drought, as we are unable to control the rain or alter the weather patterns to create a more advantageous and wet environment.

However, our water usage can have an impact on water availability in the long term and make droughts far worse. This is especially important as communities grow and increase dependency on finite resources like rivers, lakes, and aquifers. Even in areas where residents have wells instead of municipal water, it is not unheard of for a well to run dry as water demand in the area increases. 

Although these resources have the ability to replenish themselves, it is common for us to consume water at a faster rate than they can naturally recharge, especially during droughts. Therefore, it is crucial to practice water conservation whenever possible, regardless of the current drought conditions. 

Consider some of the following methods of conserving water:
  • Regularly check pipes and faucets for leaks and repair as soon as possible. Even a small drop from a faucet can add up to thousands of gallons over time!
  • Use low-volume/efficient appliances.
  • Use variable flow toilets, low volume toilets.
  • Create a compost pile rather than throwing food waste into a garbage disposal in the sink.
  • Consider xeriscaping, or landscaping using native plants that uses less water.
  • Consider rainwater collection for outdoor use, like watering lawns and gardens.
Lastly, you can always do your best to conserve water year-round by practicing some of the same water-saving methods listed in the previous section, even if there aren't currently drought conditions in your area.

Is Texas in a drought right now?

Depending on when you're reading this, it's very possible that your neck of the woods is in a drought - large portions of Texas have been in a drought since 2021. To check on drought conditions in your area, the US Drought Monitor site is a great resource that's easy to understand. 

You can also see a variety of different drought maps on the Texas A&M drought map site

Dry cracked ground during a drought in Texas 

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by Shane Butzow

About the Author

Shane Butzow is Brand Strategist at Germania Insurance.

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