Protect your windshield from pricey repairs this winter with these tips!
In Texas, icy conditions may be rare, but when they strike, they can create quite a mess. Freezing temperatures can wreak havoc—plants freeze, pipes burst, roads become hazardous, and everything gets cloaked in a slick sheet of ice. Instead of a picturesque winter wonderland, it’s more like a chilly, slippery wasteland. And to make matters worse, you’re stuck at home. Why? Because your car, including the windshield, is covered in ice!
In a perfect world, you could stay cozy indoors and wait for the ice to melt away. But sometimes, you don’t have that option—you must face the cold, and that means freeing your car from its icy grip.
The good news? There are effective ways to clear the ice from your windshield and even prevent it from freezing in the first place. In this guide, we’ll share essential winter windshield maintenance tips to help you protect your car all season long. Keep reading to learn more!
How to keep your windshield from freezing over during the winter
Before you find yourself battling a frozen windshield (and having to invest in auto glass replacement), consider getting ahead of the game by using these strategies:
Park somewhere sheltered
Parking in a garage, whether it’s your own or a shared community space nearby, can save you the hassle of dealing with snow and ice buildup on your windshield. It also protects your car from falling icicles and helps prevent frozen locks and door handles.
If a sheltered parking spot isn’t available, try to avoid parking under trees. Snow-laden branches can break without warning, posing a risk to your vehicle.
Park facing the sun
If you have to leave your vehicle unsheltered, try to park your car facing the sunrise. The morning sun’s rays can help melt any ice that forms on your windshield overnight, making it easier for you to get on the road and travel to work.
Use windshield covers
From plastic bags to towels, all the way down to old sheets, there are tons of simple and affordable ways for you to cover your windshield. While stores like Amazon and AutoZone also sell professionally made windshield covers (ranging from $17 to $50), you can use common household items at your disposal to get the job done.
Just remember to place the covering underneath the windshield wipers so that the wipers don’t get frozen onto the windshield. Although the wipers will assist in holding down your cover, you may also want to consider using other items to help anchor the cover in place should you be anticipating a rough winter’s night.
Here are some windshield cover ideas:
- Towel
- Sheet
- Rubber Mats
- Flattened Cardboard Box
- Blankets
Use a deicer spray
There are many great sprays available to help prevent ice from forming on your windshield overnight such as the Prestone Ice & Frost Shield. But you more than likely already have the ingredients you need to create your own deicer solution at home.
Alcohol-Based Solution: Create your own rubbing alcohol deicer by combining two-thirds rubbing alcohol and one-third water. Pour the solution into a spray bottle, shake it up, and apply it generously to your windshield before the freezing temperatures arrive.
Vinegar-Based Solution: Create your own vinegar deicer by mixing two to three parts of white or apple cider vinegar with one part water in a spray bottle. Shake vigorously and then apply it to avoid windshield damage.
Saltwater-Based Solution: You can also create your own saltwater deicer by mixing spoonfuls of either table salt or road salt into one cup of water. Pour the solution into a spray bottle, shake it up, and apply it generously to your windshield. Note: This option should be your last choice in deicing solutions as you’ll have to keep a watchful eye to ensure the salt water doesn’t reach any metal areas of your car that could become corroded.
No matter which deicer solution you choose (store-bought or homemade), be sure to apply it to your windshield the night before a winter storm or light snowfall to help prevent any ice buildup on your auto glass.
Additionally, if you’re planning on using a windshield cover, using a store-bought or homemade deicer (whether spraying it underneath the cover or dipping the cover in the solution) could amplify your odds of avoiding any ice build-up.
Try the onion trick
As odd as it may sound, many drivers report that rubbing half an onion over their windshield the night before the temperature changes works wonders on blocking any frost from forming! Don't have an onion handy? That's okay; a potato can serve the same purpose. The idea is that the sugar from your onion or potato creates a thin barrier over the window, which helps the melting process and prevents ice from accumulating.
Bonus Tip: Flip up your wiper blades
If you’re not planning on using a windshield cover, you’ll want to flip up your wiper blades so that cold temperatures do not freeze your blades to the windshield as frosted blades could signal a frozen motor.
How to properly defrost a windshield
Sometimes no matter what we do, we may still end up with a frosted windshield. If you’re coming up against this while trying to rush off to work in the morning, it can be even more frustrating.
The most important thing to avoid in this situation is pouring hot water on your windshield—no matter how tempting it may seem. Exposing an ice-covered windshield to extreme heat creates a rapid temperature change, which can lead to cracks or even shattering of the glass!
Instead, follow these steps to melt ice and precipitation off your windshield without causing a windshield crack:
- Make sure your wiper switch is turned to “off.” If your wipers are frozen on your windshield, it could mean that your windshield wiper motor is frozen, and it is no longer safe to turn it on.
- Turn your car on and leave it running for a few minutes.
- Turn on the heat, but don’t turn it on to the highest level for the same reasons listed above. Sudden temperature changes can easily lead to a damaged windshield! Instead, allow the car to warm itself gradually. If your car has a “defrost” button with your A/C system, this will happen automatically after selecting this option.
- As the ice begins to melt, use an ice scraper to begin gently removing the icicles. If you don’t have an ice scraper at your disposal, you can carefully use your wiper blades to help you with this task.
Note: Aggressive and consistent use of your wiper blades in this fashion can cause them to become damaged. Traditionally, ice scrapers, soft bristle brushes, or rubber sponges are great tools to get this job done. Avoid using metal scrapers or credit cards as these can damage your glass.
It's important to stay on top of the weather forecast during the winter, especially if you know that an ice storm or freezing precipitation is possible. This allows you to plan ahead and take the few extra minutes required to remove ice from your windshield without having to hurry.
Remember, safety always comes first, so make sure you finish cleaning off all the ice from your windshield (as well as on the roof of your car) before driving off. Cleaning off just one area for you to see through is never safe.
Other ways to make defrosting your windshield easier include:
Installing “remote start” into your car
Doing this can give you the head start of warming up your car while you’re still getting ready inside the house. Once you step outside, a quick spray and scrub are all you’ll need to remove any remaining from your car windows and windshield.
Safety Warning: Whether you start your car in person or do it remotely, always remember the importance of being aware of your surroundings. It’s reported that car thefts typically rise 25% during winter months from car owners leaving their cars unattended as they give them time to warm up! Be watchful and efficient as you defrost in the mornings.
Clean your windshield often
Regularly cleaning your windshield (at least every two weeks) with a good windshield washer fluid can help ensure that frost stays off your windshield for longer periods of time.
How to defrost your inside windshield
Once you’ve defrosted your windshield, you may hop in your car only to see that your inside windshield and all other windows have fogged up. To help you clear this away and create crystal-clear visibility, you’ll need to play with the temperatures again. Although you needed gradual hot air to defrost the outside windshield before, now you’ll need a lower, more humid temperature, to clear up the inside.
To do this, you can try cracking your windows just a bit to let cooler air in or you can gradually lower your air conditioning setting. Make sure that you’re not recirculating air as that’ll only keep moist air in circulation, making the condensation worse. Once the right temperature combination clears away the fog, you can close your windows and hit the road.
Stay patient
Protecting your car from winter’s harsh conditions may seem like a daunting task, but it’s essential to approach the season with patience and a plan to care for your windshield. Whether you’re moving your car the night before, raising your wiper blades, applying a reliable deicer, or waking up early to start defrosting, preparation and persistence are key.Sometimes the deicer solution might not work as well as you hoped, or defrosting may take longer than expected. Even so, it’s crucial not to skip important steps or make impulsive decisions, like pouring hot water on your windshield. These shortcuts can lead to bigger issues, costly repairs, and an even longer morning!
Got a question about what your insurance covers when it comes to windshield repair? Germania Insurance is here to help. To learn more about our products and services, request a free quote online or reach out to your local agent today!