From family photos to documents and data, almost everything important to our lives is stored on a computer these days. When our homes flood or our cars crash, we have insurance to repair the damage, but what do we do when our phones break or our computers crash? That's where "The Cloud" comes in! Today, we'll discuss 8 reasons you need cloud storage to backup your life!

What is the cloud?
Before we dive into the reasons you need a cloud storage service, let’s take a quick look at what the cloud actually is.
The cloud is simply an online data storage system. In the real world, this system exists in giant data storage spaces, which are basically just huge warehouses filled with hard drives. Thanks to advances in software and internet speed, these data centers are sewn together and function like a single storage space to users. Think of it like an external hard drive that you access through the internet.
There are dozens of different companies that offer cloud storage systems with different functions in mind. For example, Microsoft OneDrive, iCloud, Google Drive, and DropBox are perfect for backing up your photos and personal files. Other services can backup a personal computer or an entire office if needed.
Many of these services have a free version, which offers limited storage space and the option to expand it for a monthly fee.
Why you need cloud storage
1. Backup your backup
If you’re not making digital backups of your important documents already, you should. But storing them locally isn’t even enough. You might have external hard drives you use as a backup, but if they’re stored in the same place as the original, they are susceptible to all the same risks. Keeping your files stored on the cloud ensures that they’re safe from any local hazards.
2. Backup your memories
In the past, we all had albums filled with baby pictures and VHS tapes documenting our first steps. But because all of our videos and photos are digital now, our precious memories are on our phones and computers – and there are more of them than ever. If you want to make sure that they are safe and ready to share for years to come, cloud storage is your best bet.
3. Keep your business running
If you run a small business, you probably have file folders filled with invoices, transaction receipts, tax records, and even your company’s articles of incorporation. In the event of a disaster or theft, having your essential documents stored in the cloud can help you stay up and running without missing a beat.
4. Restore your computer
Have you ever had a virus that completely destroyed your computer? You probably had to reinstall your operating system and all of your software from scratch. Some cloud services, such as Carbonite, can actually backup your entire computer, operating system and all. They create an exact copy of your computer called an image, which you can download in the event of a system crash.
5. Work Remotely
Most services, such as Google Drive and Dropbox, allow you to access and alter stored documents from any computer or device with an internet connection. This means you’re able to get work done from almost anywhere (like your comfy sofa)!
6. Protect your documents/files
The cloud is not just an internet-based hard drive; it’s also a vault. Because cloud data is transferred through the internet, all of the top cloud storage services protect those files with encryption. This ensures that only you and the people you trust have access. Many of them also offer two-factor authentication as an added layer of security for your account. Just make sure you have a strong password!
7. Share your documents/files
Sharing is half the point of holding on to our photos and videos! That's why many cloud services have easily adjustable permission and sharing settings. For example, with Google Drive, you can share any file by simply sending the desired recipient an automatically generated link. You can then change whether or not the person has the ability to only view the file or make changes to it as well.
8. Free up space on your computer or phone
The average size of a file continues to increase as cameras and apps get better and more complex. If you’ve ever found yourself deleting files to make room on your computer or phone, then cloud storage could be the perfect solution. By uploading them to the cloud, not only are you creating backups of your valuable memories, you’re clearing space to make new ones.