Germania Farm Mutual PAC
Germania Farm Mutual Insurance began as a group of neighbors in 1896, joining together to ‘bear one another’s burdens’ in the event of damage or loss to their property. This concept of an insurance company owned by its members or policyholders whom it serves was carried forward into legislation specifically and exclusively designed for farm mutuals. This legislation favors Texas membership-owned mutual insurance companies over stock insurance companies in many respects. In recent years, the farm mutual concept has been threatened through proposed legislation which would adversely affect Farm Mutuals.
To assist in preserving the advantages currently provided membership-owned Farm Mutual insurance companies under the law, a Germania Farm Mutual Political Action Committee has been formed. In general, corporations such as Germania are prohibited from making political contributions or other political expenditures. The Germania Political Action Committee was formed to provide financial support to Texas legislators and candidates for legislative offices who are committed to maintaining those advantages provided membership-owned Farm Mutual insurance companies.
You can help show your support through your voluntary contribution (check or cash) to the Germania Farm Mutual PAC. With your contribution, you must provide your full name and address, and your principal occupation or job title. Only contributions from individuals will be accepted. CHECK DRAWN ON CORPORATE OR BUSINESS ACCOUNTS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED.
Political contributions may be forwarded to the following address:
Germania Farm Mutual PAC
ATTN: Trey Hardy, Campaign Treasurer
PO Box 645
Brenham, TX 77834
A Friendly Word to the Wise:
Counterfeit or fake checks are being used in a growing number of fraudulent schemes occurring on a global basis.
Just a reminder that the Germania P.A.C. does not send out checks to individuals unless it is making a political contribution to an individual who is either (1) currently serving in a political capacity as a state or federal representative or (2) seeking election as a state or federal representative of a political office.
***If you receive a Germania P.A.C. check and you have any suspicions or questions as to
whether it may be fraudulent, we urge you to contact us.
In addition, you may report any suspicious activities or potential scams to: