As your chosen provider for insurance products and services, we share your concerns about the privacy of your nonpublic personal financial information (as defined below). The nonpublic personal financial information we gather about you to process, administer, and maintain the products and services you purchase from us comply with state and federal regulations, and our own high standards regarding privacy and confidentiality. Here is our “Privacy Promise” to you.

  1. We collect nonpublic personal financial information; including but not limited to:
  • Identifying information such as your name, address and social security number;
  • Transaction information such as policy coverage, premiums, limits, payment history; and
  • Information from consumer reporting agencies such as your credit worthiness and history.
  1. We also collect nonpublic personal financial information from you through:
  • Applications and other forms,
  • Transactions and
  • Personal interviews.
  1. We collect nonpublic personal financial information about you from:
  • Affiliates (as listed above under Germania Insurance) and
  • Nonaffiliated third parties including consumer reporting agencies, business partners, service providers, joint marketers and other sources.
  1. This nonpublic personal financial information is collected so that we:
  • May process, underwrite, and administer your policies, or
  • Provide and conduct insurance related services, such as claims handling.
  1. This nonpublic personal financial information is necessary to:
  • Determine your insurability,
  • Identify which specific products and/or services you may require, and
  • Meet our responsibility as determined by policy language and company practices.
  1. We may disclose all of your nonpublic personal financial information to entities whose assistance is necessary to provide you with the best service and products possible, including:
  • Authorized employees,
  • Affiliates (as listed above under Germania Insurance), and
  • Nonaffiliated third parties (ie.; medical examination providers, loss reporting agencies, independent adjusters, insurance agents, attorneys and others as permitted by law.)
  1. Our affiliates are a family of companies providing insurance products and services. Sharing your information among affiliates may make it easier to provide you with alternative and/or additional products and services in a more timely manner. For example, if you apply for auto insurance with one company but are better suited for an affiliate, sharing information from a consumer report could make placement of coverage quicker and cheaper.
  2. We do not disclose any nonpublic personal financial information about our customers or former customers, unless permitted by law, and as described herein or communicated to you.
  3. We do not disclose your health information to any nonaffiliated third party, except where required or authorized by law, and only as described above. Information regarding medical records is obtained only after you or your representative signs our standard release form.
  4. We may disclose all nonpublic personal financial information we collect to reputable financial institutions such as banks, credit unions, property & casualty insurers and life & health insurers and with which we have written joint marketing agreements. These marketing agreements exist to bring additional financial products and services to you such as personal savings accounts, personal loans and additional auto, life and commercial insurance. We choose these partners with great care, holding them to high standards of confidentiality.
  5. You have the right to review the personal information, including nonpublic personal financial and health information we collect about you. If you believe any of this information about you contains errors, please contact us so we may correct our files.
  6. We promise to protect your nonpublic personal financial and health information:
  • By maintaining physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with state and/or federal regulations and
  • By restricting access to employees with a need to know your nonpublic personal financial and health information in order to provide products or services to you.
  1. When you visit our website, you do not tell us who you are; nor, do you reveal any nonpublic personal financial and health information. We use standard software to track website activity, we collect the date and time pages were accessed and the page or pages you requested. When you send us e-mail, you transmit your name, mailing and e-mail address and nonpublic personal financial and health information you choose to include in your e-mail. Any nonpublic personal financial and health information you send to us via e-mail is used internally, for the purpose of fulfilling your request, and is not given or sold to other entities.
  2. Telephone, Text, and Fax Policy - By providing your residential, wireless, email, business phone, and/or fax number(s) to Germania Insurance, you expressly consent to receive marketing and non-marketing autodialed and/or pre-recorded calls, emails, text messages, and faxes (including fax advertisements) from or on our behalf at the number(s) provided. Your consent to receive calls, emails, texts, or faxes is not a condition of the use of our Services and your consent may be revoked at any time by calling the toll-free number at (800) 392-2202 or faxing your opt-out request to (979) 836-1977. You may also send an opt-out request via email to info@germaniainsurance.com with the phone and/or fax number you wish to opt out of. Your wireless carrier's standard message and data rates may apply.
  3. If you have questions about our Privacy Promise to you or about our insurance practices and processes, please visit our website at www.GermaniaInsurance.com or contact us at:

Germania Insurance
Attn: Compliance Officer
PO Box 645
Brenham, TX 77834-0645

Products offered by Germania Farm Mutual Insurance Association.

Germania Insurance
PO Box 645
Brenham, TX 77834-0645
Phone 979-836 – 5224
Toll-free 800-392 – 2202
Fax 979-836 – 1977